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struct Game bo1t =

// About Bo1t

For the final project in 3D Game Dev, my group decided we wanted to make a game where you could choose between completing the game with stealth or with violence, but which severely discouraged forgoing stealth. The concept we ended on was that the player is an assassin with one holy crossbow bolt that can kill any undead in one shot tasked with killing a powerful lich. The player can shoot and kill any of the lich's minions, but because they only have one bolt, they must recover their ammo whenever they shoot, and until they recover the bolt they are completely defenseless. Additionally, to win the player must shoot the lich, meaning they have to have their bolt until the end of the game.


I'm particularly proud of the AI I made for this project: enemies will walk preset patrols until they see the player. If they see the player, they will chase the player and attempt to hit the player with a melee attack. If they lose sight of the player, they go to the last known position of the player and look around briefly. If they still do not find the player, they return to their normal patrol.

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